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Monday, August 26, 2019

5 Years Later...Lots of Updates

Hello Folks!  We're back with lots of updates.

Now we are three with little Ollie!  (Nate is still silly as ever)

I cannot believe it has been five years since my last post!  A LOT has changed in those 5 years:

  • We bought our own 80 acre farm across from the old family farm.
  • The family farm was sold.
  • Nate and I got married on our farm! Yay!
  • We met and lost our 1st baby (Thomas) at 20 weeks.
  • We had our second baby successfully (well he did do it on his own schedule) a year later. We love our sweet, smart, silly Ollie more than words.  
  • Nate started his own successful electrical business.
  • Over the 5 years since we moved on the new farm, 
    • We have redone 40 out of 80 acres of 15 year old fencing. Goat proof chain link.
    • Made major improvements on a very unfinished 5 bay garage/workshop- Now a dream workshop with guesthouse.  
    • Currently renovating the old farmhouse.
    • Planning for our future house on the hill.
    • Continue to produce and sell high quality organic mixed grass hay and have established an amazing clientele. (Plus a big shout out to our regular hay crew around!)
    • Continue to raise goats (and now sheep).  We have a herd of a hundred goats and sheep who help manicure our hay fields - weeding and fertilizing during the off season to help produce quality organic hay.  
    • Lots of dirt work and cleaning up of our farm which was unlived in for 15 years and just used for cattle before we purchased it from a lovely neighbor couple.
    • Happily been added to the modern times with fiber internet this past year thanks to our neighboring county and Nate digging a very long trench to our house.  Boy, you don't know how good you have it - being forced to live on satellite internet is ridiculous - no bandwith, slow speed, and high price.  
    • Plus lots and lots of other things I know I am forgetting...but it has been 5 years worth of stuff.
In upcoming posts, I hope to provide more detail and pictures as I did in my old posts.  Just wanted to get you up to speed here and say welcome back to Our Sweetwater farm. Be sure to checkout our new Youtube channel: Sweetwater Diaries for video updates.

Always Nate, Lily, Little O, & Our Critter Crew

1 comment:

  1. Poppy Steve says lets get da ya spel dat !!!! lets use my FB pic for a family likeness pic !!!!
