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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Help Our Farm & Save Our Backs

Hello family, friends, & supporters,  (DONATE HERE:

We are posting this because we need your help. Read on to see how you can help. We have been working hard over the past few months here on SweetWater to develop a sustainable farm. Our hope is to create a place that family and friends will want to visit and be part of as the farm grows. We have accomplished a lot so far by reusing, recycling, and searching for free or low cost options to build items such as a greenhouse, chicken coops, goat pens, and rebuilding hay equipment. We love finding ways to accomplishing our goals that require a little "do it yourself" and "thinking outside the box" methods, but sometimes we realize we could use some help.

After finishing our first hay cutting we realized we need your help. We opted to only bale a small section of the property in order to test the used equipment that Nate had fixed and rebuilt. In the end,the two of us collected and unloaded over 500 bales of hay by hand in about two days. Normally, we would bale all the fields; which would give around a total of 2000 small square bales (approx 50-60lbs each). That is a lot of lifting for two people!!!

How can you help? Nate and I have researched options and found one of the cheaper, but effective hay helpers known as a bale basket. This basket is attached to the back of the baler and the hay drops directly into the basket. No need to lift and load it from the fields by hand. Ideally, we would like to buy two so that we could switch them out as we are baling. This would allow one of us to continue baling; while the other unloaded the full basket. Brand new, one bale basket would cost about $4000 including transport costs. So our goal is for two bale baskets would be $8000. Of course we would be grateful to acquire one (new or used), but since haying is very weather dependent the faster we can bale and load the more likely we are to get quality hay. (DONATE HERE:

In order to grow this farm and continue our goal of sustainable living is largely dependent on funds received from hay sales. We want to use the money from the hay to put back into this beautiful farm. Your donations will help support that goal and also save our backs & shoulders. Plus, you will save us a few hay rashes at that too!

Thanks for your support & no matter the donation amount you can give, we appreciate it.

Visit GoFundMe or click link to DONATE:

Always Nate, Lily & Our Critter Crew
SweetWater Diaries

How the bale basket works:

Click Here to see bale basket in action in this YouTube Video.


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